
Adventure Stories - May 24, 2013 - Susan Hunt

Adventure Stories - May 24, 2013 - Susan Hunt

Some of the world’s most inspirational international and Indian explorers present their experiences and adventures to an exclusive, invitation-only elite audience. Held four times a year!

Everest climber, Ironman athlete, Arctic explorer and Chief Executive of Navigator Communications, Susan Hunt discusses all the things you wanted to know about climbing Everest, but were too afraid to ask from what gear to take to how to go to the toilet at 8,000 meters.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6GVpG4sbPc]

'From the wilderness of the Sahara desert to the desolate landscapes of the Antarctic, from the jungles of Borneo to the giant waves of Hawaii, we bring you incredible tales of courage, exploration and adventure, by men and women dedicated to pushing the limits in their pursuit of an outdoor lifestyle.'

Taj Safaris Presents: The Outdoor Journal and Ibex Expeditions

Adventure Stories

Edition one, May 24th 2013, Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi
Associate Sponsors: DLF Brands
Music by: Way Beyond
Song: A Place This WickedPlaceNew Delhi, India

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