
A Ten on Ten! The Grand Finale of Paragliding World Cup Superfinal 2016

A Ten on Ten! The Grand Finale of Paragliding World Cup Superfinal 2016

In a first of its kind, the athletes completed all ten tasks at the Paragliding World Cup Superfinal 2016 in Governador Valadares, Brazil. Aaron Durogati and Seiko Fukuoka took away the winning trophy.

"For the first time ever," boomed Goran Dimikovski's voice to a cheery crowd, "we have finished all ten tasks in a superfinal. This means the weather was perfect and the conditions were excellent."

The 2016 Paragliding World Cup (PWC) Superfinal defined the end of the 2016 World Cup Tour to decide the overall champions of the year. It took place between 17th and 28th January, amidst the rolling hills of Governador Valadares, also the largest flying site in the world. The event witnessed perfect conditions to complete all ten tasks, a first for a paragliding superfinal. The tasks ranged 79.2km to 112.4km in distance.

Goran Dimikovski, President of the Paragliding World Cup Association, announced the results to an enthusiastic crowd. Italy's Aaron Durogati and France's Seiko Fukuoka took away the winning trophies in men and women categories respectively. For Aaron, a Gin Glider athlete who has also been selected for the Red Bull X-alps, this was his second win after taking the title in 2013.


The 2017 season will start on 20th May, with the first round in Coeur de Savoie, France.



  1. Aaron Durogati (IT), Gin Boomerang 11, 7,263
    2. Adrian Hachen (CH), Gin Boomerang 11, 7,216
    3. Charles Cazaux (FR), Ozone Zeno, 7,115


  1. Seiko Fukuoka (FR), Ozone Zeno, 6,723
    2. Nicole Fedele (IT), Ozone Zeno, 6,696
    3. Laurie Genovese (FR), Ozone Zeno, 6,528


  1. France
  2. Switzerland
  3. Italy

1. Gin Gliders Inc.
2. Air’G Products
3. OZONE Paragliders

For more on the Superfinal, check out PWCA's Facebook page.

Feature Image: Flyers on the final task day. © Philippe Broers/PWCA

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