Piolets d'Or Announces the "Significant Ascents" of 2023
This list of 68 climbs is effectively a "long list" used to select nominees of the prestigious alpine award.
Magnus to the left and Lelle on right
Q. Some plus points about the event and any places where the organisers need to improve?A. On the plus side, the organisation with travelling and accomodation on the start and finish is a full package, the kind you never get in any other other competition. The race also has amazing food and aid stations. The staff and volunteers are very helpful to the competitors. There are boats on the swim which make you feel safe in the water. We can't think of any improvements as of now.Q. Any encounter with marine life (while swimming) or animals on the islands during the event?A. Nothing special.Q. Describe the diet/mental condition of an athlete who wishes to take part in the event and how does one adjust/make changes in the mid-stages of the event?A. Our strategy with food during the race was to tell each other to drink two cups of sports drink because when you're in a hurry, you tend to drink less than what your body needs. We had decided not to bring any bottles or camelbaks with energy and water. We didn't want to carry too much. The strategy worked out well, with one exception for the long run on Ornö. The only food we ate during the race was a few bananas, because we know that our stomachs can handle it.Q. Tell us about the route and the terrain for OtillO.A. The route is a 65 km run on 19 islands and a 10 km swim between them. Since the course sometimes goes to the terrain without a path to follow, it's hard to find the right way. When we were in the lead, we came up to a field of reed straws (they were over 2 meters high) and we did not know which way to go (no one else had been there before us). Then we decided to go straight through the reed straws. After 100 meters, we were finally through and on the right course, unbelievably! The terrain is very diverse and demanding, you have to run on rocks and trails with roots and also climb wet rocks.Q. Were there any Asian participants or was it an all European participation?A. Don't know about Asian teams, but we hope there will be some soon. There were a few European teams. There have been teams from the US Navy Seals and the German armed forces.Image © Malcolm Hanes & Jakob EdholmPlace: New Delhi
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