Piolets d'Or Announces the "Significant Ascents" of 2023
This list of 68 climbs is effectively a "long list" used to select nominees of the prestigious alpine award.
Sitting atop a red rock playground with every outdoor sporting opportunity at your fingertips, Moab is one of America’s greatest adventure destinations.
Mount Olympus, the mythical home of the Ancient Greek Gods, is also home to some of the most jaw-dropping mountaineering trails in Europe.
What surfers have found in El Salvador is a far cry from the preconceived notions compounded by sensationalist headlines.
Perched high on a San Diego desert hillside, a cave with a trove of indigenous history awaits -- if you can find it.
Terry Romp, a former sustainable food sourcer in the States, now retired expat, plants roots in Costa Rica to live a simpler lifestyle that is more in tune with nature.
For centuries the Sami people have populated the northernmost regions of Scandinavia. They call their home Sapmi, frequently crossing the plains with their reindeer in a nomadic lifestyle.
A freediving spearfisher who hunts tuna bit off more than he could perhaps chew, in dangerous conditions in the Gulf of Mexico. A first-person account.
With radios coordinated and quiet water ahead, adventure, whales, porpoises, sea otters, eagles, stunning channels and vista await.
Visitors will find a rare-looking, 70 million year-old untouched land with rock formations and wildlife in this anomalous European landscape.
The surfing taking place in Texas is obviously not the totally radical ocean surfing that you’ve seen on your Instagram feed, but inland surfing in man-made pools with machine powered waves.
On a family camping trip in Wyoming, a future environmental journalist writer witnessed nature’s raw power.
Whitewater rafting is a unique experience in nature, filled with adrenaline and excitement. Recently though, we have been reminded of the real risks involved.
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